Friday, April 4, 2014

How to resolve APP-PA-19947 Mean in the Expenditure Types (PAXSUDET) Form?

How to resolve APP-PA-19947 Mean in the Expenditure Types (PAXSUDET) Form?

When users try to create an expenditure type you may get the below message:-

APP-PA-19947 There are expenditure types existing which are not associated with a expenditure type class. These expenditure types will not be acceessbile during expenditure entry.

To resolve the above message, please follow the below steps:-

1/ Execute the below SQL Query and note down the expenditure types

Select distinct expenditure_type from PA_expenditure_types where expenditure_type not in (select distinct expenditure_type from PA_expend_typ_sys_links);

2/ For each type returned in the above query execute the below steps:-

2.1/ Navigation: Projects Responsibility > Setup > Expenditures > Expenditure Types

2.2/ Query the expenditure type returned in the 1st Step.

2.3/ Enter the expenditure type class

2.4/ Save the record.

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