Saturday, April 5, 2014

Programs which determine cost in Project Costing module

Programs which determine cost in Project Costing module

We should run the below programs to determine the costs in Project Costing Module

To determine labor costs run the below programs

1/  PRC: Distribute Labor Costs (or)  PRC: Distribute Labor Costs for a Range of Projects

To determine cost for usage and miscellaneous transactions run the below program

1/ PRC: Distribute Usage and Miscellaneous Costs

To determine the supplier cost run the below programs

1/ PRC: Interface Supplier Costs

2/ PRC: Distribute Supplier Cost Adjustments (or) PRC: Distribute Supplier Costs Adjustments for a Range of Projects

To determine expense report cost run the below programs

1/ PRC: Interface Expense Reports from Payables

2/ PRC: Distribute Expense Report Adjustments

To determine costs for borrowed and lent accounting run the below program

1/ PRC: Distribute Borrowed and Lent Amounts

To determine the burden cost run the below program

1/ PRC: Create and Distribute Burden Transactions

The above program creates burden transactions for projects based on the method to store burden costs.

To determine total burdened cost run the below program

1/ PRC: Distribute Total Burdened Costs

The above program creates total burdened cost distribution lines for all transactions on a burdened project.


Oracle Documentation

Friday, April 4, 2014

How to resolve APP-PA-19947 Mean in the Expenditure Types (PAXSUDET) Form?

How to resolve APP-PA-19947 Mean in the Expenditure Types (PAXSUDET) Form?

When users try to create an expenditure type you may get the below message:-

APP-PA-19947 There are expenditure types existing which are not associated with a expenditure type class. These expenditure types will not be acceessbile during expenditure entry.

To resolve the above message, please follow the below steps:-

1/ Execute the below SQL Query and note down the expenditure types

Select distinct expenditure_type from PA_expenditure_types where expenditure_type not in (select distinct expenditure_type from PA_expend_typ_sys_links);

2/ For each type returned in the above query execute the below steps:-

2.1/ Navigation: Projects Responsibility > Setup > Expenditures > Expenditure Types

2.2/ Query the expenditure type returned in the 1st Step.

2.3/ Enter the expenditure type class

2.4/ Save the record.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

ERROR: You Do Not Have The Authority To View Financial Plans For This Project

ERROR: You Do Not Have The Authority To View Financial Plans For This Project

This post is related to the PA Module in Oracle EBS Version 11i to R12.X+.

Sometimes users get the below error when they try to access the financial plans:-

You Do Not Have The Authority To View Financial Plans For This Project


Set the profile option, 'PA: Cross Project User -- Update' to 'Yes' for the affected responsibilities.

If the issue still doesnt resolve please check the metalink note: 236704.1

Oracle Report Error - REP-1401: '': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.

This post is related to Oracle Reports in Oracle EBS Version 11.5.5 to R12+.

Sometimes when you run a report you encounter the below errors:-

REP-1401: '': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.
REP-0069: Internal error
REP-57054: In-process job terminated:Terminated with error: 

The most common reason for the above error is:-
No return value in one of your functions defined in the report definition.

Ensure that all the functions defined in the report definition has a return value. Also ensure that there is return value outside the             'if condition' statements

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mask or Un-Mask Bank Account Numbers in R12

Mask or Un-Mask Bank Account Numbers in R12

Please follow the below steps to Mask or Un-Mask Bank Account Numbers in R12

Mask or Un-Mask Internal Bank Accounts

To Mask or Un-Mask Internal Bank Accounts you should use the below profile option:-

CE: Mask Internal Bank Account Numbers

The above profile option has the below 3 values:-

  1. Mask - First four visible
  2. Mask - Last four visible
  3. No - Masking

Mask or Un-Mask External Bank Accounts

To Mask or Un-Mask external bank accounts (i.e., supplier bank accounts) follow the below steps:-

Go to Oracle Payables responsibility
(N) Setup > Payments > Payment Administrator

Click on Go to Task icon referring to System security Options
(N) Payments Setup > Shared Setup > System Security Options

As shown above, if you select the value DISPLAY FIRST DIGITS and number of digits to display as 10 then the first 10 characters of the supplier / external bank account will be displayed without masking and the rest will be masked.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

R12 Projects - Burden Costing Implementation Steps

Burden Costing Implementation Steps:-

What is burdening?

Burdening is Oracle Project's overhead cost calculation system. Burdening allows overhead cost to be marked up on raw expenditure item cost based on a rate system. Total Burdened Cost is calculated as follows:
Raw Cost = Quantity * Raw cost rate
Burden Cost = Raw Cost * burden cost multiplier
Total Burdened Cost = Raw Cost + Burden Cost

Steps to Implement Burden Costing

1/ Define Cost Bases and Cost Base Types (Required)

2/ Define Burden Cost Codes (Required)

3/ Define Burden Structures (Required)

4/ Set the profile option PA: Default Burden Schedule Type (Required)

5/ Define Burden Schedules (Required)

6/ Implement Burden Costing Extension (Optional)

7/ Set the profile option PA: Report Separate Burden Transactions with Source Resources (Required)

8/ Set the profile option PA: Create Incremental Transactions for Cost Adjustments Resulting from a Burden Schedule Recompilation (Optional)

Default Hierarchy of Burden Schedules(Summary)

1/ Project Type

2/ Project

3/ Task


2 overrides 1

3 overrides 2

Default Hierarchy of Burden Schedules(Detail)


Project Type = Burdened

Task Burden Schedule Override Exists?=No

As you can notice in the above window there exists no Task Burden Schedule Override

Project Burden Schedule Override Exists?=No

As you can notice in the above window there exists no Project Burden Schedule Override

Task Burden Schedule = Yes

Expenditure Type Exists in the Structure of the Scheduled Revision?=Yes

Query the above expenditure Schedule and note down the Structure

Query the above structure and ensure that your expenditure item type exists as shown below:-

As you can see the Expenditure Type 22 Motor Pool Trucks exist in the above burden structure.

When you create an expenditure batch using the above expenditure type then the burden schedule LABOR ONLY will be applied.

If the Raw Cost =100 then the Burden Cost will be =100*.5=50
Total Burdened Cost=100+50=150

An Example can be noticed in the below screen:-


Oracle Documentation

Friday, February 22, 2013

Project Expenditures Implementation Steps

Project Expenditures Implementation Steps

The steps to implement the Project Expenditures in R12 are:-

1/ Define Expenditure Categories (Required)

Expenditure Category describes the source of your organization’s costs such as Labor Costs.

(N) Projects Super User > Setup > Expenditures > Expenditure Categories

2/ Define Revenue Categories (Required)

Revenue Category describes a source of your organization’s revenue such as Labor Revenue

(N) Projects Super User > Setup  > Expenditures > Revenue Categories

3/ Define Units (Required)

(N) Projects Super User > Setup > System > Units

 4/ Define Expenditure Types (Required)

(N) Projects Super User > Setup  > Expenditures > Expenditure Types

Tax Classification Code:-

Cost Rates:-

 5/ Implement Transaction Control Extension (Optional)

Transaction control extensions allow you to define your own rules to implement company-specific expenditure entry policies. 

For more information on Transaction Control Extension refer to the below link:-

6/ Implement Autoapproval Extension (Optional)

Use the AutoApproval Extension to define conditions under which expense reports in Oracle Internet Expenses or timecards in Oracle Time & Labor are approved automatically. You can configure this extension to meet your needs.

7/ Define Transaction Sources (Optional)

Transaction sources identify the source of transactions imported into Oracle Project Costing using Transaction Import. 

The transaction source determines how Transaction Import processes transactions. The transaction source is used to identify transactions in the PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL table. 

When you run the concurrent program PRC: Transaction Import, you must enter the transaction source for the transactions that you want to import into Oracle Project Costing. The Transaction Import program selects all eligible pending transactions in the PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL table that satisfy the selection criteria of the program request and determines the validity of each transaction.


Oracle Documentation