Programs which determine cost in Project Costing module
We should run the below programs to determine the costs in Project Costing Module
To determine labor costs run the below programs
1/ PRC: Distribute Labor Costs (or) PRC: Distribute Labor Costs for a Range of Projects
To determine cost for usage and miscellaneous transactions run the below program
1/ PRC: Distribute Usage and Miscellaneous Costs
To determine the supplier cost run the below programs
1/ PRC: Interface Supplier Costs
2/ PRC: Distribute Supplier Cost Adjustments (or) PRC: Distribute Supplier Costs Adjustments for a Range of Projects
To determine expense report cost run the below programs
1/ PRC: Interface Expense Reports from Payables
2/ PRC: Distribute Expense Report Adjustments
To determine costs for borrowed and lent accounting run the below program
1/ PRC: Distribute Borrowed and Lent Amounts
To determine the burden cost run the below program
1/ PRC: Create and Distribute Burden Transactions
The above program creates burden transactions for projects based on the method to store burden costs.
To determine total burdened cost run the below program
1/ PRC: Distribute Total Burdened Costs
The above program creates total burdened cost distribution lines for all transactions on a burdened project.
Oracle Documentation