Friday, February 22, 2013

R12 - Project Statuses

Project Statuses

How Project Statuses Control the Transactions

(N) Projects Super User >  Setup > System > Statuses

We define project statuses in the above window.

As you can see in the above window, for each status we can select which actions are allowed and which actions are restricted. To allow charges on a project, you must assign the project a status with the status control Create New Transactions enabled. To allow users to adjust transaction on a project, you must assign the project a status with the status control Adjust Transactions

How to Define Project Statuses

To define a status:

1. Navigate to the Statuses window.
(N) Projects Super User >  Setup > System > Statuses

2. Select the Status Type that you want to define (such as Project).

3. Enter a Status name. Status name should be unique.

4. Every status must map to a predefined system status. Therefore you need to map a  System Status to the new status you are defining. 

5. Optionally enter a Description.

6. Optionally enter Effective Dates.

7. If you want this status to be eligible for use as the starting status for the kind of object it is associated with (such as a project, task, assignment, or candidate), check the Starting Status box.

8. Status Controls: The Status Controls region contains a list of actions that are allowed or restricted for each status.

When you create a new status, the system status you have selected for the status determines which actions are allowed for the object to which the status is assigned. If you want to change the status controls from the default settings, you can select or clear the Allow box.

The Default check box is display-only, and contains the original setting of the Allow check box.
For some system statuses, there are Allow check boxes that cannot be changed. For example, if a project status maps to the Closed System Status, the project status cannot allow Create New Transactions.

9. Next Allowable Statuses: Use this region to define the next allowable statuses for each status.

Four radio buttons control the next allowable statuses you can enter:
• All: The current status can be changed to any status. This is the default value.
• None: The current status cannot be changed.
• System Status: The Next Allowable Statuses are all system statuses.
• Status: The Next Allowable Statuses are all user-defined statuses.

If you choose System Status or Status, you can then enter as many next allowable statuses as you want.

10. Workflow: If you want to initiate workflow when an object is updated to this status, select the Workflow tab and select the Enable Workflow check box and enter a value in the following fields:

• Item Type. Enter the name of the Workflow Item Type to be used for this status.

• Process. Enter the name of the workflow process to submit for this status.

• Success Status. Enter the status to assign to the object upon successful completion of workflow.

• Failure Status. Enter the status to assign to the object if workflow fails. (This can be the same as the current status.)

11. Save your work.

Sample Business Case

When the project is created, it's initial status is Submitted. A workflow will be triggered and the delegation authority should approve the project before it can be used while creating the below transactions:-

  1. Purchase Orders
  2. Invoices
  3. Expenditures
But it takes some time for the delegation authority to approve the project. Before the project is approved, users receive few POs and Invoices related to the un-approved project.

If you want to enter the transactions against the un-approved project, then you need to enable the 'Create New Transactions' check box in the Project Statuses Window.


Oracle Documentation

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